
We all experience symptoms of anxiety from time to time such as fear, worry, and nervousness, but if you are struggling with anxiety, you may find yourself lying awake at night, unable to turn your brain off from intrusive thoughts, maybe you are finding yourself to be more irritable and restless, and your mind is often racing. Anxiety is not always rational, and it can cause you to fixate on negative outcomes in your life, stealing your focus away from the present, potentially having a negative impact on your relationships and work. Anxiety may have been modeled for you or learned, but it becomes a way to anticipate and protect from perceived potential danger.

 Symptoms of anxiety:

●       Self-doubt

●      Intrusive thoughts

●      Panic

●      Bowel disturbances

●      Flashbacks

●      Sleep difficulties

●      Feelings of dread

●      Muscle tension

●      Racing heart

How can therapy help with anxiety?

If you are experiencing these symptoms of anxiety at a level that interferes with your daily functioning, therapy can assist you in better understanding the source of your anxiety, tailoring interventions to you, and providing evidence-based tools and techniques to help in your day-to-day life. A therapist can assist in identifying lifestyle changes that can improve symptoms of anxiety.